Reconciliation God’s Style!

Time to say sorry and reconcile had come for two best friends that had a small tiff the other day. A verbal fight lasted for just few minutes, but that made them not talk to each other for hours, the day was coming to an end, that they were pretty tired of being grumpy and [...]

Constant Struggle

One of the constant struggle for most Christians is that although we know we are called to live holy and set-apart lives, we are still find the ourselves enamored by the things of this world. Every day, our hearts and minds are on the things that God commands us NOT to think about: what we [...]

Like Christ

I have fallen for the misconception that I am a human being on a spiritual journey. Very recently, God has been reminding me that I am actually a spirit-being on a human journey. I was on the heart and mind of Christ before I came to this world. He thought about me and discussed me [...]