Reconciliation God’s Style!

Time to say sorry and reconcile had come for two best friends that had a small tiff the other day. A verbal fight lasted for just few minutes, but that made them not talk to each other for hours, the day was coming to an end, that they were pretty tired of being grumpy and being mad at each other, exhausted of thinking the same thoughts again and again ‘How could she do that to me after all that we have been through together, all the wonderful years of friendship , doesn’t she understand me still?’ But they were best buddies and somebody had to do the patching up, one was waiting for the other thinking who will be the one to reconcile first. When the time was right the more faithful friend took the first step and everything became alright, yes everything became alright!!I am sure all of us have had instances of this in our lives too. To reconcile is to acknowledge that other person is precious to you, she or he is valuable to you, If that person turns away from you, it breaks your heart. Today friends I want to show you how God reconciled with you, Yes with you!! But you may be thinking ‘Why should God do that, when did I have a fight with Him? I thought I was the one who took the first step to believe in him and reach out to him. Isn’t? Yes you did but beloved the story between you and God started a long time ago, a very long time ago! Even before you were conceived in your mother’s womb! (Jeremiah 1:5)
The first time He saw you was when He made Adam, HE SAW YOU IN ADAM. But when Adam sinned He lost you, in fact you became his enemy (Romans 5:10) separated from him forever! In order to reconcile with you, He was willing to take the first step even though it meant to be crucified on the cross. He (and not you!) took the first step! Hebrews 12:2 says there was joy set before Him, that made Him endure the cross. That joy was you! This was another time He saw you. HE SAW YOU WHEN HE WAS AT THE CROSS, when blood was oozing out of His tortured body, thorns were pricking His head and His flesh was torn. He allowed himself to be crushed (Isaiah 53:5) as He was reconciling you to Himself(2 Corin 5:18). He was getting you back!! Hallelujah! .. As He was being crushed more and more at the cross, He was saying in His heart ‘I am going to get my sons and daughters back….I am getting them back! Yes I am getting them back! They are worth this pain, They are worth this agony’.

When he took the stripes, He thought to himself after getting my sons and and daughters back I will inform them that I have provided healing for every sickness and disease. When He sweat blood and suffered the crown of thorns, He thought to himself my beloved will have victory over every worry, anxiety and mental affliction. When He was separated from His father, He thought to Himself, that they will never again get separated from the Father who loves them dearly. Never even for a moment NEVER (Romans 8:38) To this extent He made reconciliation with you! He not only put you in a state of perfect right standing with him being justified through Him (Romans 3:24), holy and blameless (Ephesians 1:4), he made provisions for all your needs by making himself poor (2 corin 8:9). He made you completely new, all things in you are of God (2 Corin 5:7,8).

Beloved you won’t see these truths in your soul or in your body at first. Thats because all these has been done in your spirit man, That’s the part of you that became born again! We need to first accept who we are in our inner man, thats where you have been made complete (Colossians 2:10) and perfected (Hebrews10:14). Eventually these truths will start manifesting! Now you can guess where God sees you. HE SEES YOU IN CHRIST!

Now this was perfect reconciliation!

2 Corinthians 5:18:Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation


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