Like Christ

I have fallen for the misconception that I am a human being on a spiritual journey. Very recently, God has been reminding me that I am actually a spirit-being on a human journey. I was on the heart and mind of Christ before I came to this world. He thought about me and discussed me before He even formed me. Then, He went a step further and gave me His likeness.  The first gift Adam received was the LIKENESS of God. He made him in God’s own image (Genesis 1:24-27).

Somehow, along this journey, we have been fooled into UNDERESTIMATING our inheritance. Romans 8:29 says we are CONFORMED TO HIS IMAGE. So, with this understanding, why is it that sometimes I strive to be just as good as Elijah, or Moses, or Paul? They’re all great examples, but should they be the standard? We put angels up on a pedal stool, even. But why? Angels are not made in the image of God. What if the Church (you and me) focused a little less on being angel-like or Moses- like and rather focused on being Christ-like? What if the Scribblers walked like, talked like, and looked like Jesus? After all, this was always meant to be our inheritance.

The truth is, being a better human doesn’t make me like Christ. Striving to become a better version of who I am does not make me more like the most-high God. For example, as good as a pet dog may act, that dog will never become the owner’s son (although I may get messages from people who disagree with this sentiment…sorry, it’s still a dog!)

I’ve been challenged lately to not simply improve my human nature, rather, to take ownership of my divine nature, in Christ (1 Peter 1:4). Christ did not come to repair our human nature. He came so that it would be completely destroyed and replaced with His divine nature. Instead of praying that we would be better at a task or that we would change our attitude towards something, I encourage you to pray a different kind of prayer- one that takes the focus off of us entirely. Pray daily that we would be conformed to His image- that we would become like Christ! As this happens, there will inevitably be fruit in our lives that show for it.

I truly believe that our God rewards those who diligently seek Him. May this be our passion- to relentlessly and tirelessly seek Christ and participate in His likeness. As we do this, we will realize that Christ lives in us, right now. So, what are we waiting for?  His life will manifest through us as we believe, trust and walk out these truths by faith (Galatians 2:20).

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